Visual Strolls

seasonal residency

Visual Strolls is a residency space for artists who share an affinity for landscapes and wilderness, inner and outer. Foresta is changing with every season as the real forest does. In cyclical circularity it celebrates changing seasons of nature and of our lives. As snow melts away, as days grow longer, as leaves change colour, as they fly with the wind, as stillness settles in, as warmth returns, as birds cross continents — at the turn of each seasonal moment we invite a different artist to bring a new time of the year to Foresta by creating a portrait of time that later becomes part of the permanent Museum of Seasons.

Summer 2018 Artist in Residence


Andrea Antinori

Andrea is an author, illustrator and artist based in Bologna, working in playful, humorous style, with lots of attention to detail.

Summer 2018 Portrait

I live in Bologna, a city where there are forests, but they are far away. I would like to have some forest closer, because it is the better place where you can stop thinking. It is automatic: When you get in, you have only to act, you keep going on, as long as it is the time for returning.
If you think, you think about something else, but not the forest. It is not like walking down the street: standing at a crossroads you choose the best path possible. In the forest that is not important, the ways are all the same, because there will be something to discover in any case. The forest also is a quiet place, and you don’t understand why, since everything that surround you appears to be huge. It is not always quiet, sometimes you can hear some noises, but unlike in the city, in the forest every sound is perfectly spelled. They echo and fade away. Sometimes these sounds are sort of scary, so you go back to home, or change course.
Vivo a Bologna, una città dove le foreste ci sono, ma sono lontane. Mi piacerebbe avere la foresta più vicina a me, perché è il luogo migliore dove andare per smettere di pensare. È automatico: quando entri in una foresta, agisci e basta, continui ad andare avanti, finchè non è ora di tornare indietro. Se pensi, pensi ad altro, ma non alla foresta. Non è come quando cammini per strada: di fronte a un bivio ha un senso prendere una strada piuttosto che l’altra. Nella foresta invece non ha importanza, una strada vale l’altra, perché in ogni caso ci sarà qualcosa da scoprire. La foresta inoltre è un luogo silenzioso, e non capisci perché, dal momento che ciò ti circonda sembra essere immenso. Non è che sia sempre silenziosa, ogni tanto si sente qualche rumore, ma a differenza della città, nella foresta ogni suono è ben scandito. Echeggia e poi si spegne. A volte questi suoni fanno paura, e quindi torni a casa, oppure cambi strada.

Images from (in order of appearance):
Blanco como nieve, Mar Benegas and Andrea Antinori, A buen paso, 2018
L’entrata di Cristo a Bruxelles, Andrea Antinori, Corraini edizioni, 2017
Elefantasy, María Elena Walsh and Andrea Antinori, La nuova frontiera Junior, 2017
Un Libro sulle balene, Andrea Antinori, Corraini edizioni, 2016
Altri fili invisibili della natura, Gianumberto Accinelli and Andrea Antinori, Lapis Edizioni, 2018
Piante e animali terribili, Dino Ticli and Andrea Antinori, Lapis Edizioni, 2017
Festivaletteratura Mantova 2017, Andrea Antinori and Pietro Corraini, 2017
Questo è un alce?, Andrea Antinori, Corraini edizioni, 2015


About Visual Strolls

Visual Strolls is not only an online gallery, an exhibition room, a portrait into the work of the invited artist. It is also a part of our long-term research, understanding arts and creativity as forces that change human states of attention in manifold ways, as forms of cognition and perception, divergent perspectives and poetry of vision, access to intuition and imagination, and empowerment for conscious creation of culture. You can read more about Art into Life research here.

Cover image by Andrea Antinori