Visual Strolls

seasonal residency

Visual Strolls is a residency space for artists who share an affinity for landscapes and wilderness, inner and outer. Foresta is changing with every season as the real forest does. In cyclical circularity it celebrates changing seasons of nature and of our lives. As snow melts away, as days grow longer, as leaves change colour, as they fly with the wind, as stillness settles in, as warmth returns, as birds cross continents — at the turn of each seasonal moment we invite a different artist to bring a new time of the year to Foresta by creating a portrait of time that later becomes part of the permanent Museum of Seasons.

Winter 2019/2020 Artist in Residence


Carolina Monterrubio

Carolina is an illustrator and textile designer from Mexico. Joyful colours, bold forms, togetherness, female agency, pleasure, luminous expression, Carolina embraces you through her works, she invites you to experience, to laugh, to sigh, to sense, to jump, to play, to exhale. Take a stroll through a selection of our favourites to dive into the world of embodied colour, form and shape.

Winter 2019/2020 Portrait

Carolina Monterrubio la foresta
Tengo una conexión especial con La Foresta. Lo noto cada vez que la visito, cuando sus mariposas me dan la bienvenida y las luciérnagas me saludan con su brillante luz por la noche. Su musicalidad y vibración hacen que me sienta en casa. La Foresta es un lugar encantado lleno de energía, un espacio que transforma y hace que el tiempo pare. El solo hecho de quedarme quieta, en un lugar tan especial, me hace sentir en paz y agradecida. Todo lo que veo y experimento me hace recordar que de ahí vengo.

Estar en La Foresta significa permanecer en el presente, incrementar los sentidos y expandir mi corazón. Cuando estoy ahí, La Foresta me habla. Con ella no necesito un lenguaje especial, solo es preciso escuchar con atención a los detalles, porque ahí cualquier sonido es música y cualquier ser que habita canta.

Ella me cuida. Es como una vieja amiga a la que le puedo contar todo sin usar las palabras. Su contacto es tierno y gentil, también es muy sabio y poderoso. Femenina y abundante, siempre que la visito me regala retornos poéticos llenos de dulzura. Me ayuda a olvidar y me invita a contemplar su perfección, a observar y encontrar esas ramificaciones sensoriales y de experiencia que me hacen crecer con ella.

La Foresta siempre me acompaña, la procuro en mis sueños y en mis cuadernos de bocetos. Cuando estoy en la ciudad y la extraño mucho, entra en mí una nostalgia y necesidad gigante de ir a visitarla, de ir corriendo hacia ella, caminar descalza entre sus hojas y simplemente estar. Cuando eso pasa, respiro profundo, cierro los ojos y conecto con La Foresta que vive dentro de mí.
I have a special connection with Foresta. I notice it every time I visit her, when her butterflies welcome me and the fireflies greet me with their bright light at night. Her musicality and vibration make me feel at home. Foresta is an enchanted place full of energy, a space that transforms and makes time stop. Just being still, in such a special place, makes me feel at peace and grateful. Everything I see and experience reminds me that I come from there.

Being in Foresta means staying in the present, increasing my senses and expanding my heart. When I’m there, Foresta speaks to me. With her I don’t need a special language, I just have to listen carefully to the details, because there any sound is music and any being that lives sings.

She takes care of me. It’s like an old friend to whom I can tell everything without using the words. Her contact is tender and gentle, she is also very wise and powerful. Feminine and abundant, whenever I visit her, she gives me poetic returns full of sweetness. It makes me disconnect from the immediacy of the city. It helps me to forget and invites me to contemplate her perfection, to observe and find those sensory and experience ramifications that make me grow with her.

Foresta always accompanies me, I look for her in my dreams and in my sketchbooks. When I am in the city and I miss her very much, I have a giant need to go to visit her, to run towards her, walk barefoot between her leaves and simply be. When that happens, I take a deep breath, close my eyes and connect with Foresta that lives inside me.

Cover image by Carolina Monterrubio