Creativity Cookbook is a collection of shared insights and experiences about creative processes and artistic expression. These forces of creativity do not belong to any particular field, they are interdisciplinary and essential part of our humanity. Thanks to them we have the capacity to widen our lives any moment, to enter into the unstoppable flow of seeking and discovering, to resist popular opinions, vulgarity and boredom. Creativity Cookbook is made up by people who ride those waves as their work, daily curiosity, or way of living. Where does a wish to create come from? What encourages creativity to grow? What tunes people in and moves them? How are projects born and carried out?
Thomas Maitz
designer and founder
Viola Niccolai
Mazz Swift
Violeta Lopiz
Roxanne de Bastion
Joanna Concejo
artist and illustrator
Eamon O'Kane
interdisciplinary artist
Ramuntcho Matta
arts educator
Igor Kazakov
puppet theatre director
Brigitte Deval
maker of dolls and sculptures
Martina Vanda
illustrator, ceramist
design studio