Space in Relation
Poetics of Relation
Édouard Glissant
Edouard Glissant: One World in Relation
Manthia Diawara
City Metaphors
O.M. Ungers
Die Verantwortung der Raumordnung, Arch+ 228 Stadtland
Julian Petrin
Braiding Sweetgrass
Robin Wall Kimmerer
John Urry
The unfinished system of Non-knowledge
George Bataille
Les Mots et les Images, La révolution surréaliste
René Magritte
In Comparison via a Third
Harun Farocki
Rebecca Solnit
A Thousand Plateaus (specifically Becoming-Intense, Becoming-Animal, Becoming-Imperceptible)
Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari
Why Look at Animals?
John Berger
Mnemosyne Atlas
Aby Warburg
Food Landscapes
A Modern Cook's Year
Anna Jones
Permaculture One
How Food Can Save the World
Carolyn Steel
The One-Straw Revolution
Masanobu Fokuoka
An Agricultural Testament
Albert Howard
Mastering the Art of French Cooking
Child, J., Bertholle, J., Beck, S.
Meat: A Benign Extravagance
Simon Fairlie
Tender Buttons
Gertrude Stein
Small Is Beautiful
Ernst F. Schumacher
The Sourdough School
Vanessa Kimbell
Thomas More
The Great Transformation
Karl Polanyi
Cornersmith: Recipes from the cafe and picklery
Alex Elliott and James Grant
The Noma Guide to Fermentation
First Catch: Study of a Spring Meal
Thom Eagle
The Third Plate
Dan Barber
The Hidden Half of Nature
David R Montgomery and Anne Bickle
Korean temple food philosophy
Jeong Kwan
Bread on Earth
Lexie Smith
Alys Fowler
Interspecies Relations
Becoming Animal
David Abram
Mind and Nature
Gregory Bateson
Haiku: An Anthology of Japanese Poems
Stephen Addiss
Matter and Mind
Stephen Edelglass, Georg Maier, Hans Gebert, John Davy
Sea Lovers
Ingo Niermann
Leaves of Grass
Walt Whitman
Carolyn Merchant
Princess Mononoke
Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli
La croissance des végétaux
Jean Comandon
Terrestrial manifesto
Bruno Latour
The Works of Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Werner Herzog
Radical ecology
Carolyn Merchant
How Forests Think
Eduardo Kohn
The Great Animal Orchestra
Bernie Krause
Studio Formafantasma
Lexicon of the Mouth: Poetics and Politics of Voice and the Oral Imaginary
Brandon LaBelle
Thus Spoke the Plant
Monica Gagliano
Traditional folk songs
This one, Kumushki, sang by Olga Sergeeva
Textures of the Anthropocene: Grain Vapor Ray
Editors: Katrin Klingan, Ashkan Sepahvand, Christoph Rosol, Bernd M. Scherer
Manifesto for Living in the Anthropocene
Katherine Gibson, Deborah Bird Rose, Ruth Fincher
Teresa Castro
Intelligence in Nature
Jeremy Narby
The Intimate Bond How Animals Shaped Human History
Brian Fagan
Alebrijes a
nd other cultural mythologies
Zapotec civilization
Films by Jean Painlevé
The Life of Plants
Emanuele Coccia
Landscape Painting
Song Dynasty
Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm
Stephen Harrod Buhner
Alan Watts - In the Academy
Essays and Lectures collection
The journal of nature in visual culture
Personal Ecologies
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Radical Bodies
Anna Halprin, Simone Forti, Yvonne Rainer
Vollard Suite series
Pablo Picasso
Opening the Doors of Perception
Anthony Peak
What is Consciousness?
Ervin Laszlo, Jean Houston, Larry Dossey
The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation
Stephen W. Porges
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (The disembodied lady)
Oliver Sacks
Being Alive
Tim Ingold
Letters to a Young Poet
Rainer Maria Rilke
The Doors of Perception
Aldous Huxley
Sweat your prayers
Gabrielle Roth
Mind into Matter
Fred Alan Wolf
The Republic
Steve Paxton
The Spell of the Sensuous
David Abram
Intelligence in the Flesh
Guy Claxton
The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious
Carl G. Jung
Out of our heads
Alva Noë
The Wisdom of Insecurity
Alan Watts
Molecules of Emotions
Candace Pert
Keep It Moving
Twyla Tharm
My Stroke of Insight
Jill Bolte Taylor
Pedagogy Otherwise
Editor Alessandra Pomarico
Really Useful Knowledge
What, How & for Whom
The New Alphabet
Documents of Contemporary Art: Education
Editor Felicity Allen
documenta 14
Free Home University
Unfolding Learning Societies
Vimukt Shiksha
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Paulo Freire
Forms of Education: Couldn’t Get a Sense of It
Editors Aeron Bergman, Alejandra Salinas, Irena Borić
Sister Outsider
Audre Lorde
Chto Delat
Vivere insieme. L'arte come azione educativa
Maria Rosa Sossai
Storytelling and New Narratives
Earth Beings
Marisol de la Cadena
Entangled Life
Merlin Sheldrake
Re-Enchanting The World
Silvia Federici
New Money for a New World
Bernard Lietaer
Roland Barthes
Staying with the Trouble
Donna Haraway
Coming Back to Life
Joanna Macy
Andreas Weber
The Overstory
Richard Powers
The Wholeness of Nature Goethe’s Way Toward a Science of Conscious Participation in Nature
Henri Bortoft
Emergent Strategies
Adrienne Maree Brown
These Wilds Beyond Our Senses
Bayo Akomolafe
The Second Body
Daisy Hildyard
Climate - A New Story
Charles Eisenstein
Steering the Craft
Ursula K. Le Guin
When Species Meet
Donna J. Haraway
Other References
A Natural History Of The Senses
Diane Ackerman
The Book of Love
Facing Value: Radical Perspectives from the Arts
Compilation of essays
Poetry, Language, Thought
Martin Heidegger
Commons Transition: Policy Proposals for an Open Knowledge Society
Michel Bauwens, John Restakis, George Dafermos
Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel
"Together we know everything, together we have everything”
Making is Connecting
David Gauntlett
The Three Ecologies
Felix Guattari
Web resource
The Craft Reader
editor: Glenn Adamson
As You Like It
William Shakespeare (editor Juliet Dusinberre)
How together
The Craftsman
Richard Sennett
General Ecology
Compilation of essays
World of Matter
Web resource
For further sources of wisdom:
* go for a walk in the forest, listen to its inhabitants
* pay attention to your body, its sensations, feelings, beings
* listen with eyes closed to Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier, let it talk to you from within
* caress a cat
* go out and talk to people, the everyday life people you will encounter