Visual Strolls

seasonal residency

Visual Strolls is a residency space for artists who share an affinity for landscapes and wilderness, inner and outer. Foresta is changing with every season as the real forest does. In cyclical circularity it celebrates changing seasons of nature and of our lives. As snow melts away, as days grow longer, as leaves change colour, as they fly with the wind, as stillness settles in, as warmth returns, as birds cross continents — at the turn of each seasonal moment we invite a different artist to bring a new time of the year by creating a portrait of time that later becomes part of the permanent Museum of Seasons.

Autumn 2020 Artist in Residence


Isidro Ferrer

Isidro is a designer, illustrator and visual creator, who captures imaginations through the diversity of his unpredictable, refreshing and whimsical work. He plays with everyday objects, textures, meanings, in surprising ways, appealing to the senses, often working with recycled materials, keeping the minimalistic spirit.

Autumn Portrait 2020

la foresta.2 2.jpg
Poseo el don de la desnortación.
Buscando perderme, me he perdido en infinitas ciudades.
En cambio, nunca me he perdido dentro de un bosque.
En el interior del bosque el adverbio allí es innecesario. Sólo hay lugar para aquí.
Aquí, y aquí, y aquí, y aquí…

Respiro otoño. La lluvia ilumina el paisaje, lo barniza, lo llena de destellos. La lluvia tizna de purpurina las hojas, el sol las hace refulgir. Tras la lluvia malhumorada del viernes, quedó una lluvia tímida y mansa de sábado. Parecía pedir disculpas por la brutalidad de la anterior. El domingo el sol pide permiso y se cuela entre los nimbos. Largos de dedos de luz alumbran fragmentos de paisaje, se pasean por el perfil de las laderas, se acomodan en los campos de trigo, juegan con la superficie esmeralda de las albercas, hacen saltar a los peces que confunden el reflejo de los rayos con libélulas de oro. Respirar se convierte en acto irremediablemente sublime.
— Isidro Ferrer
I have the gift of naked disorientation.
Looking to lose myself, I have been lost in infinite cities.
However, I have never been lost in a forest.
In the interior of the forest the adverb ‘there’ is unnecessary. There is only room for ‘here’.
Here, and here, and here, and here...

I breathe the autumn. The rain illuminates the landscape, varnishes it, fills it with sparkles. The rain glints the leaves, the sun makes them shine. After the grumpy-tempered rain on Friday, there was a shy and gentle rain on Saturday. It seemed to apologise for the brutality of the previous one. On Sunday the sun asked for permission and slipped through the clouds. Long fingers of light illuminate fragments of the landscape, stroll along the profile of the slopes, settle in the wheat fields, play with the emerald surface of the pools, make the fish jump, confusing the reflection of the rays with golden dragonflies. Breathing becomes an irremediably sublime act.
— Isidro Ferrer

Cover image by Isidro Ferrer