The birth of Foresta
We have always been attracted to forests. Real and imaginary. In the forest we recover our senses. Loves and fears - the magic of being alive. When we are in the forest we are somehow reminded of our own depth. Of multitudes and simplicity. We enter alone but find ourselves in company of so many. Everything finds its place in the forest. Trees. Mushrooms. Insects. Air. Plants. Rain. Animals. Storms. Heat. Lightening. Frost. Evenings by the fire. Birds. Berries. Songs. Pines. Smells after the rain. Silence. Rustle. Hills. Valleys. Sky hiding among the leaves. Quietness of snow falling. Squeaking under the feet. Innocence and spontaneity of animals appearing and disappearing among the trunks. Connectedness of everything. Everything follows their natural stirring. As many creatures as there are here - there are as many ways to live, on earth.
We can experience the motions of seasons in the forest particularly vividly. An unstoppable flow of rhythms and transitions. All creatures go with it. There’s no hierarchy between cycles, each is there for a reason. In human life there are seasons too. Our lives resist turning into a factory, manufacturing standardised people. Things always unfold within and around us continuously. And things take time. All good things do. Time for buds, for warmth, investment, cherishing, nurturing. Time for flowers, for dances, plays, days, nights, sunlight, storms, clouds, wind. Time for fruiting, ripening, becoming, maturing. Time for releasing, letting go, offering, giving itself, decaying, decomposing, growing into something else.
The wish and raison d'être of Foresta is to invite you into a forest. One next to your house, or on the outskirts of your city. One that you grow on the balcony, or one inside of you. A forest of living creatures, of encounters, of experiences. And of stories, where through voices of others we might recognise bits and pieces of ourselves.